Without exception everyone will experience personal challenges or issues in their lives. In fact, it is estimated that in the past 12 months that 1 in 5 people have struggled with issues affecting their psychological wellbeing. Whilst some of us will deal with these experiences by talking to friends or family, or by trying to deal with things ourselves, there …
Managing Work Related Stress
Stress is part of everyday life. It’s our body’s natural response to change. It’s what motivates us to take action or make adjustments to our situation. And like everything else in our lives, stress needs to be managed to maintain a healthy body, mind, and spirit.Sources of Work Stress Our jobs are filled with different stressors. We have obligations to …
Importance of Breathing when Anxious
Breathing is something we do all day without giving it any thought. From the moment we take our first breath, to the time we breathe our last, we unconsciously take in air and let it out again. But have you ever wondered if you’re doing it right? Diaphragmatic breathing is essential to your health, mind, and ability to perform under …
Gestalt Therapy: What is it?
“I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, And if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful. If not, it cannot be helped.” Fritz Perls, 1969, in …
Depression & Gestalt Therapy
Over 2500 years ago an unhealthy lowering of mood, seen as a disease, was identified (Roubal, 2007). Since then, what is now known as depression has been identified by the World Health Organisation as the fourth most urgent global health problem. Affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide, depression is believed to effect at least 20% of women and 12% …
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